I am a Lecturer at the School of Computing and Information Systems, University of Melbourne. I received a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Melbourne in 2018 (check my PhD thesis; with Tim Baldwin and Trevor Cohn as my academic Cyril and Methodius). Even though my other degrees are also in computer science and machine learning, I've always been aspired to study lingustics. Therefore, most of my current research is in the field of computational linguistics. More specifically, I am using technology to explore systematicity and regularities in Language, and vice versa, utilizing the regularities in linguistic structures to improve NLP models and learning algorithms, with a focus on under-resourced languages and their documentation.
The ultimate goal of my research is to find universal principles and underlying structures in the organization of Human Language in general and languages in particular. Using statistical models, I aim to understand the constraints that led to the shared properties observed in most languages around the world.
A (non-exhaustive) list of my research interests: computational approaches to linguistic typology, computational social science, formal languages, information theory, machine translation, low-resource NLP, multilingual NLP, NLP for under-resourced languages and field research.
I co-organize SIGTYP workshops and shared tasks (2019--) and the SIGMORPHON shared tasks on morphological reinflection (2017--). Since 2022, I am also co-running FieldMatters and LoResMT. Finally, I am an active member of the UniMorph Project.
More curious readers are invited to check my CV for more detailed information. :-)
I'm Hiring PhD Students!
If you're interested in doing a ℙℍⅅ with me, you're welcome to email me your research proposal/transcripts/CV (the email address appears in my CV, the link is provided above). You may also check our fabulous NLP group!
You may find more information on the application process and entry requirements here: PhD course in Eng&IT , PhD course in Science, Scholarships.
Current Service & News
∮ May 10: An invited talk at The School of Languages and Linguistics (UniMelb)! Slides are now available
∮ Senior Area Chair for "Phonology, Morphology, Segmentation" (ACL 2024)
∮ Contributed to a chapter in "The Oxford Handbook of Word Classes" ("Word Classes in Computational Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence" w/Mel Mistica and Francis Bond)!
∮ Supported by ECRG to work on "Leveraging Formal Approaches to Advance Technology for Under-Resourced Languages " in 2024! Interested in the topic? Apply for a PhD!
∮ Nov 23: An invited talk at JNU!
∮ Senior Area Chair for "Lexical Semantics" (NAACL 2024)
∮ Co-organiser of SIGTYP (EACL 2024), FieldMatters (ACL 2024), LoResMT (ACL 2024)
∮ September 13: Lightning talk at the School of Computing and Information Systems
∮ PC Member for WMT'23 and LChange'23
∮ August 28: Participating in a Panel Discussion on ChatGPT and Cognitive Science at CHDH.
∮ August 20: Presenting the School of Computing and Information Systems at UniMelb Open Day 2023.
∮ July 3 & 17: Chris Ewin and myself presented the School of Computing and Information Systems at Science Day 1 at UniMelb and BSc Orientation Day.
∮ Area Chair for "NLP Applications" at IJCNLP-AACL 2023!
∮ Area Chair for "Morphology, Phonology, Segmentation" at EMNLP 2023!
∮ Publicity Chair at ALTA 2023!
∮ June 21: Conducted two immersion sessions at GoGirlGoForIT. Title: "ChatGPT, Language Models, Stochastic Parrots, and The Infinite Monkey Theorem", Colab materials are avaiable.
∮ May 7--12: participated in Dagstuhl Seminar 23191: Universals of Linguistic Idiosyncrasy in Multilingual Computational Linguistics, served as an editor of the final proceedings (w/Sara Stymne). Proceedings are now available!
∮ Co-organizer of SIGTYP, LoResMT, FieldMatters at EACL 2023!
∮ Senior Area Chair for "Morphology, Phonology, Segmentation" at ACL 2023
∮ Academic Supervisor at SummerTech Live, working on ScienceIsland with Haoze Xia, Yuhong Guo, James Marshall
Lecturing and coordinating``COMP10001: Foundations of Computing'', Summer Term 2024 Lectures, workshops, and the final will be all on campus. We will use Grok for practical exercises, accounts will be provided at the start of the term
Please visit the Teaching section to check all subjects I've been teaching.
Most Recent Publications
(Chapter) Word Classes in Computational Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence (2023). The Oxford Handbook of Word Classes.
by Meladel Mistica, Ekaterina Vylomova, Francis Bond
Book Contents
Predicting Human Translation Difficulty with Neural Machine Translation. (2023). ArXiv preprint.
by Zheng Wei Lim, Ekaterina Vylomova, Charles Kemp, Trevor Cohn
Read in PDF (it was discussed on the following media: Slator)
Semantic Shifts in Mental Health-Related Concepts. (2023). In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change (LChange'23).
by Naomi Baes, Nick Haslam, Ekaterina Vylomova
Read in PDF
Have the concepts of 'anxiety' and 'depression' been normalized or pathologized? A corpus study of historical semantic change. (2023). Plos one, 18(6)
by Yu Xiao, Naomi Baes, Ekaterina Vylomova, and Nick Haslam
Read online (it was discussed on the following media: Pursuit, Neuroscience News, Medical Xpress)
Predicting Human Translation Difficulty Using Automatic Word Alignment. (2023). In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023, Toronto, Canada.
by Zheng Wei Lim, Trevor Cohn, Charles Kemp, Ekaterina Vylomova
Read in PDF
Does Topological Ordering of Morphological Segments Reduce Morphological Modeling Complexity? A Preliminary Study on 13 Languages. (2023). In Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Research in Computational Linguistic Typology and Multilingual NLP (SIGTYP2023).
by Andreas Shcherbakov, Ekaterina Vylomova
Read in PDF
The Semantic Inflation of “Trauma” in Psychology. (2023). Psychology of Language and Communication.
by Naomi Baes, Ekaterina Vylomova, Michael Zyphur, Nick Haslam
Read in PDF
A Computational Approach to Discovering Cultural Keywords across Languages. (2022). Cognitive Science, Vol. 48, Issue 1
by Zheng Wei Lim, Harry Stuart, Simon De Deyne, Terry Regier, Ekaterina Vylomova, Trevor Cohn, Charles Kemp
Read in PDF
UniMorph 4.0: Universal Morphology. (2022). In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC)
by Khuyagbaatar Batsuren, Omer Goldman, Salam Khalifa, Nizar Habash, Witold Kieraś, {...}, David Yarowsky, Ryan Cotterell, Reut Tsarfaty, Ekaterina Vylomova
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The SIGTYP 2022 Shared Task on the Prediction of Cognate Reflexes. (2022). In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Research in Computational Linguistic Typology and Multilingual NLP (pp. 52--62)
by Johann-Mattis List, Ekaterina Vylomova, Robert Forkel, Nathan Hill, Ryan Cotterell
Read in PDF
The SIGMORPHON–UniMorph 2022 Shared Task 0: Generalization and Typologically Diverse Morphological Inflection. (2022). In Proceedings of the 19th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology (pp. 176--203)
by Jordan Kodner, Salam Khalifa, Khuyagbaatar Batsuren, Hossep Dolatian, Ryan Cotterell, {...}, Jeremiah Young, Ekaterina Vylomova
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The Neuroscientification of Psychology: The Rising Prevalence of Neuroscientific Concepts in Psychology From 1965 to 2016. (2022).
Perspectives on Psychological Science, 17(2) (pp. 519--529)
by Nick Haslam, Ekaterina Vylomova, Sean C. Murphy, and Sarah J. Wilson
Read in PDF
Please visit my Google Scholar profile for the full list.
Invited Talks
From Sign to Cosine: on Language and Computation. (UniMelb: May, 2024)
A Glass Bead Game of *-ology: Contemporary Computational Approaches to Linguistic Morphology, Typology and Social Psychology. (MBZUAI: Mar, 2023; JNU: Nov, 2023; Sanskritologist Society: Dec 2023)
Documenting and modeling inflectional paradigms in under-resourced languages. (Cardamom Series; Jan, 2022)
Watch to Recording
The Secret Life of Words: Exploring Regularity and Systematicity. Episode II. (Keynote at SIGMORPHON 2021; Aug, 2021)
Event Page
UniMorph and Morphological Inflection Task: Past, Present, and Future. (SIGTYP Lecture Series; Aug, 2021)
Event Page
Watch the Recording
The Secret Life of Words: Exploring Regularity and Systematicity (w/Ryan Cotterell). (Moscow State University; Nov, 2020)
Event Page
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What Do Neural Models "Know'' About Natural Language? (CHDH Seminar Series; Apr, 2020)
Event Page